We have a constantly changing inventory of used gear, equipment, hardware and vintage items. The items below are typical of our used gear. We don't update this page in real time. Please feel free to call if you are looking for something specific. 503.289.9358 You can also check out our running Craigslist ad (keyword "Sexton's") or Ebay store (https://www.ebay.com/usr/sextons_chandlery) for more featured items. Thank you! We have often have a good selection of pre-owned survival/ immersion/ "Gumby" suits in excellent condition for sale. Most come with a storage bag. We have a good selection of consignment winches: Self tailing: Barlow #19, single speed. NOS. 2 available, $425 ea. Barlow #25, two speed. NOS. 1 only, $795 Barlow #32, two speed. $1,500/pair.
We have a large selection of styles and sizes of used anchors:
We have 3ea. 75# Genuine CQR anchors in good condition at a Special Price of $399 each. Hinged plow (Genuine CQR) anchors, Delta (Plow,) Bruce (Claws,) and Columbia River (Rocking chair.) New stainless steel claws (Bruce-type:) 33# & 44#. Now stocking Mantus anchors, swivels, bridles, snubbers and chain hooks. Also, various sea anchors, drouges, and bow rollers.
We have a variety of vintage bronze portlights on consignment.
Bow rail from unknown make/ model of boats. Great condition. Stainless steel. Bring you measurements, take a look, save some money.
Gale Rider storm drogues (See picture:)
Para-Anchor by Fiorentino. 6' diameter Offshore sea anchor with "Para-Ring" harness. Like new w/ bag. $225